Brewing Systems
Whether a standard or custom design, our tanks are made with American materials and talent. From initial drawings to final integration, each step is planned for practicality and ease-of-use.
3-60 BBL
2-4 Vessel
Steam, Direct Fire, Or Electric
Manual or Full Automation
Brewing Tanks
Typically performed in the same tank, mash conversion is the breaking down of malts’ starch into sugars, and lautering is the separation of this sugary liquid (wort) from the remaining plant matter. These tanks come with various options for mixing, heating, discharging, and cleaning.
Again, often combined into a single tank, kettles are where wort is boiled and mixed with hops, and whirlpools separate unfermented beer and the unused portion of hops.
During fermentation, yeast develops the wort into green beer through the production of carbon dioxide, flavors, and, finally, alcohol. Our tanks come with many features and options: custom shapes, sample ports, pressure gauge and relief, insulation, cooling jackets, CIP with sprayballs, and others.
During maturation, or lagering, the brew further separates from the sediment and warms to the point that yeast can finish its job. Carbon dioxide reaches saturation, off-putting diacetyl becomes flavorless acetoin, and the final flavors develop.
The simpler of the tanks, brites (available with single or jacketed walls) are designed to maintain low temperatures and hold pressure. This allows the beer to carbonate completely and further clarify without occupying the fermenter vessels unnecessarily. Our tanks come with many features and options: Flanged & dished top and bottom heads, top or side-entries, pressure gauge and relief, calibration strips, insulation, and, of course, custom shapes.
Contact Us
Reach out for a quote, more information, or just to talk about your process. We love discussing new ideas and want to hear about your application.
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